05 SEO Tips for WordPress website

SEO tips for Wordpress



Using search engine to to find products, read reviews or answer problems you encounter in life has become a trend in digital era. Utilizing this kind of customer behavior, search engine optimization is focused in marketing activities of almost online businesses. Appearing in the first pages of Google or other search engines can bring you opportunity to attain more potential leads then customers. In this article, we will share with you some crucial tactics that should be applied to improve your position in search engine result pages (SERPs). We say no with “black-hat” SEO, all tips in the article of VPSTrust will ensure stable development and position in SERP if you can maintain.

Before digging deeper into specific SEO Tips for WordPress website, you should be aware of this important fact. Web hosting service can play a substantial role in SEO performance. It is an announcement of Google that website loading speed is one of the most impactful factors which can affect the search ranking algorithms. A website with fast loading speed can result in better ranks in Google or also other search engines. Therefore, you should choose a reliable WordPress hosting which supports SEO. Moreover, some providers can offer more additional features for the purpose. Website hosting providers compress all files to reduce size before uploading and sending to the viewers. The function in cPanel of those hosting providers increase loading speed and SEO performance.


1. SEO Friendly URL

Friendly URLs must be readable by both website visitors and machine. In normal case, the URLs should explain the content of page or be similar with page title. Using SEO friendly URL helps visitors or readers guess website content easily, encourages them to click, thus improve position in search result pages.

A friendly URL will look like that: www.vpstrust.com/05-SEO-tips-for-Wordpress-website

However, non-SEO friendly is kinda of code: www.vpstrust.com/blog/?p=091-mdn


So in order to get SEO friendly URL structures, you can go to Settings >> Permalinks to adjust the content of link.


2. Website titles or headers

Together with URL, website page’s <title> tag is one of the most basic and effective factor for SEO. After carrying out keywords research and defining strategic keywords for your website or business, you can use them in page title or also page headers. Keywords in title or headers can be more easily crawled by Google then indexed. Place them in some header tag, such as, <h1>, <h2>, <title> in HTML code.


3. Optimize single post or article


In article section of WordPress, you can find an area for Snippet editors, focus keywords, etc. All are for SEO purposes, which is optimized by WordPress in an user-friendly mechanism. Do not overlook the importance of those simple task. Some plain text explaining your article can help Google index content better.

 SEO tips for WordPress

4. Image Optimization

As mentioned in the beginning of the article, website hosting which provides fast loading speed can support SEO purpose. Speed is also affected by image size. Optimize images before uploading can reduce workload for your server when it receives a task command. There are many tools can help you optimize image, minimizing file size whereas maintaining high resolutions. In simple way, you can choose reliable hosting service providers, which can partly give you a hand in this job. VPSTrust always ensures high speed loading with 99.99% uptime. We offer free package as well, so you can freely test the quality.


5. Sitemap

SEO WordPress tutorial


A website with specific sitemap enables Google to read your site and direct easily. With sitemap, Google and other search engines will be informed when your site is updated. Those search engines will quickly know about your new content when you have ones because XML sitemap is automatically submitted.